Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Alice, Seat Saving: Okay or No Way? — Ask Alice: Advice for Life at Home

Dear Alice,

I am of the opinion that it is incredibly rude to save seats or to ask others already seated to move for a group. It's one thing to hold a seat for a friend who's running to the bathroom or grabbing a drink, but to show up early for an event with limited seating and save ten seats or more? To save a row of seats on an airplane or several deck chairs at the pool by placing items on them? I was recently at a high school graduation event and a woman was saving an entire table of about a dozen seats. As the event was starting, three people had shown up to join her and she still didn't want to share the table, even though a lot of other people had nowhere to sit! Is there some way to put a stop to this craziness? Or am I the rude one? I have never asked someone to move or tried to save seats when meeting a group! I get us all there early, or split up and sit separately.

Thanks for the advice,

Sage Sitter


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://feeds.apartmenttherapy.com/~r/apartmenttherapy/main/~3/gwaxxPdyqCI/alice-seat-saving-okay-or-no-way-220292

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