Tuesday, June 23, 2015

This Just In: Having a Cat Won't Actually Make You Crazy — Jezebel

It is no secret that I love cats. So I have interestedly, and somewhat anxiously, followed the stories about how toxoplasma gondii, a little microbe that lives inside your cat, has been shown to make rodents lose their minds a little, and could possibly make you lose your mind a little, too. (Insert joke about crazy cat ladies here.) Two scientific studies published recently appear to confirm this hypothesis, and push it closer to the realm of FACT. Except... maybe not.


from Apartment Therapy | Saving the world, one room at a time http://feeds.apartmenttherapy.com/~r/apartmenttherapy/main/~3/FoyKICNMv-A/your-cat-wont-make-you-crazy-toxoplasma-gondii-220820

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